Software &  Design

Serious Games for your E-learning platform.


Educational Video Games

"The game is one of the most important ways to gain knowledge."

By using the techniques and technologies of the video game industry, we create innovative educational experiences.

Digital Educational Resources

"They aim to achieve a training objective. Inform, acquire knowledge, reinforce learning, evaluate knowledge".

We make up interdisciplinary teams made up of professionals who know the objective of training and professionals from the software industry.

Serious Games

"They are digital games used for a specific purpose (not just fun) and can be applied to a wide spectrum of topics."

We are looking for new ways to use technology, and serious games are an option for children, young people and adults.


“Technologies (Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, VR/AR.) and pedagogy (Learning By-Doing, Learning Experience Design, Gamification)”.

We believe that it is possible to combine technology and pedagogy to generate new multimedia experiences.


Unity's flexible real-time tools offer incredible possibilities for all industries.

We take advantage of the power of video game development environments (such as Unity) to offer solutions to the Industry (Simulation, CAD, Remote Control, Monitoring).

Augmented / Virtual Reality

Software and hardware companies bet on these technologies (Oculus Rift | Gear VR | Hololens | Acer MR)

Mediante el uso de la realidad aumentada, realidad mixta o realidad virtual ofrecemos a nuevas formas de interacción con el mundo real y virtual.

Architecture, Engineering and Construction

CAD, Revit, Navisworks, SketchUp y Rhino 6.

We create 3D experiences in real time for works of Architecture, Engineering and Construction.

Web Design & Software Development

Unity | Adobe Suite | WordPress | Moodle | Google App Engine Java) | PHP | MySQL | Oracle | IONIC

We have a staff with Seniority in Database, Back End, Front End Web and mobile (Android / IOS) to implement comprehensive software solutions.


Kitchen Lab

Dive into the fascinating world of substances and their properties. Learn to identify mixtures and solutions while exploring the physical and chemical changes that occur when they are combined.

Through interactive activities, virtual experiments, and dynamic challenges, you will discover how substances transform, gaining key knowledge in a fun and practical way.

Embark on the adventure of going back to the moon. Learn about the Earth, the Moon, the Solar System and the Constellations. End your mission with a moon landing!

Back to the Moon

QUBITO (beta)

Collaborative playful environment to play, create and share, understanding and conceiving space in 3 dimensions.

This project won 4th place in the “Business Ideas Contest” of the city of Paraná.

[+ Information]

Combine expressions of exponents in this fun game of dominoes!



Martenautas is a digital pedagogical resource accessible from a PC or mobile device (cell phone/tablet), based on the Secondary curricular design and its topics.

Integrates and uses technologies in schools as a resource for learning, collaborating in the training of students in Mathematics, Physics and Physics-Chemistry through a series of playful activities, mediated by technology.

Together with Fundación Acindar, Fundación Zambrano and the Ministry of Education of Santa Fe, in 2017 we launched the digital and interactive version of the See to Learn Manual. The video game ‘I see, read and play with Ana and Mateo’ teaches children to take care of their visual health in a simple and fun way.



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